Saturday, August 9, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Shayla and Trinity went to VBS for the first time this year. It was a Corey's church. Monday thru Thursday they went from 9-12. Thursday Night they did a little show with the songs they learned. We also got to pick up all the crafts they did. Friday was 9-11:30. That day they had a bouncy castle and magician come. Shayla loved everything that week. She wanted to go everyday and never leave. Trinity said she didn't like it but she did make a little friend named Nikki and they danced together during the show. Her mom took a picture and gave it to Trinity. I enjoyed the break of only having Riana with me. Thursday morning I striped the blankets off their beds and washed them. Friday morning I cleaned out their room. A garbage bag later, the room looked clean. Now I just have to get rid of the baby toys that Riana doesn't play with anymore. Soon it will be time for a toddler bed since she showed me last week she can climb out of her crib. It took longer than I thought. She scaled the playpen 9 months ago! So I am now in the process of looking for a bookshelf that I can give each girl their own shelf. Maybe their beds will stay free of clutter. They horde their stuff in their so the others won't play with it. We will see.

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