Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Exciting and Fun News

Riana's First PigTails:She kept smiling and making these funny faces with her head back for the picture.

Shayla lost another tooth:

She let me pull out the other front tooth. It has been loose for months now. At Trin's party she bumped it on my chair. It was crooked and ready now. It took 30 minutes of convincing her to let me pull it. She was nervous. 2 tugs and out it came.

Riana refused to take a nap:

I tried for an hour to get her to take her nap. At 5:00 I was checking email and noticed she hadn't come to check on me. I found her on the living room chair. Sleeping, half way off with Pringles on her belly. I guess eating chips is tiring work!

Trinity turns 4 !!

This is Trinity's Birthday celebration. It went on for days as you will see. Her first present was going out to dinner at the Chinese Buffet, Saturday night. The kids were VERY well behaved. The fact that you don't have to wait for your meal to be served and that the kids can get out of their seats and walk around, Makes a BIG difference. The employees came to sing happy Birthday to her. When we got home she said she was 4 now. I told her 3 more days. She didn't believe me. Sunday night we had a little birthday party for her:

She wanted a Strawberry Shortcake Cake. I didn't order a big cake because we weren't having alot of people. I thought I could just pick something out at the store and put Strawberry Shortcake dolls on it. Target and Walmart don't carry them anymore! But I found stickers so I put them on toothpicks and it worked fine.

Make a Wish!

Tuesday was her real birthday and she woke up to find streamers all over the kitchen and her presents from Mommy and Daddy. She was so excited and didn't want to wait to open them. It was a necklace, to kind of replace the one she lost a few months ago. And a Barbie that has dogs that jump through hoops. She also opened the cards she had gotten in the mail that I hid until her Birthday.
She didn't want to wait till Shayla got up in five minutes.

Trin's Dinner of choice was Chicken nuggets and french fries. She also had asked beforehand if we could use the "glasses on the sticks."

Tuesday night, Corey (her godmother), and her kids Toby and Cassidy came over for cupcakes and to give Trinity her present. Trin has had her eye on Cassidy's American Girl Doll. So Corey gave her one just like it. Trinity has named it Katie.

Wednesday Katie went to school with Trinity. I brought the cupcakes we made Tuesday to her class. Trinity was soooo excited to see me with the cupcakes. I think she may have forgotten we were bring them. That's it!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back 2 School Ice Cream Party

Saturday. Instead of trying to do 3 birthday parties in 3 months, I decided to host a Back To School Ice Cream Party. This way the kids could get to know the girls in their classes a little better. I also get to meet them. We lucked out with a very nice day.It was very inexpensive too. I print out invitations and let the girls pass them out. I also invited friends and family that were in school. I asked each person to bring a topping that began with the same letter as their first or last name. (to tie in the school part) Most people did. All I had to buy was bowls, ice cream and whipped cream. Here are some of the toppings:Here are the kids checking out all the toppings. We had 23 kids!
Tommy, Kaydee, Trinity, Blake, Steven
Sieairra, Shayla, Lexi, Michelle, Anthony
Reilly and Bella. Trin was sitting here too but wondered off when I came to take pictures.
Riana missed the whole thing. She fell asleep upstairs so I let her sleep. If I have one next year, she can join in.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


This is what Riana's hair looks like when she takes out her ponytail. Her hair is curly and I usually wet it when I do it. She takes it out and ends up looking like a ...Rooster!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Slaming and spilling

The kids birthdays are coming up and I thought it would be a good idea to go into the cubby hole and get out a few old toys to bring to the consignment shop. It was a great time because Shayla and Trinity were at school. My little helper, Riana, was there to help me. I grabbed what I need and told her" okay, go out." She went right out and slammed the door behind her. So now I am stuck, hunched over, in the cubby hole. Thankful that the light switch is on the inside. I told her to "Go wake up Daddy." She tried to open the door but the old style turn knob is too hard for her. Finally, she broke into hysterics and went to wake up Jeff. He gets up and says what's going on? I pound on the door and yell for him to let me out. Pretty funny. Note to self: Don't go into cubby hole when alone with Riana.
An hour later, Jeff was in our closet getting his clothes. Riana saw the door was open so she slammed it. Right on Jeff's toes! Note to self: Teach Riana to close doors softly.
Then I wanted to put some Clothes in the washer. My "little helper" was there again. She likes to close the door to the washer. It takes a little force so she is good at it. She also pushes in the drawer that I put the detergent into. So I told her I was ready and I pushed the detergent drawer in a little. She didn't like that I tried to help her so she pulled it back out. Only too much and it came all the way out and spilled on her, me and the floor. Rianasaurs Rex strikes again! I couldn't move to help her and she slipped on the mess. My foot was soaked in the liquid and I could move without falling too. Jeff to the rescue again. He picked her up, cleaned her off and gave me some towels to wipe myself and the floor. I finished the laundry myself.
A day you just have to laugh I guess!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Labor Day 2008 cont.

After the zoo we came home and I filled up the pool to cool off the kids. None of them wanted to go in until I put the slide in the pool. That was a treat and I am sure you can see how much they loved it! Trinity just didn't want to cooperate. Just like the video with the puddles last month.

Labor Day 2008

Where has the month gone? 10 days into September and I haven't posted. I have a lot of catching up to do. I will start at Labor Day weekend:
Sunday afternoon we went to a friends house. We decided to do a "potluck type" picnic. We brought ribs and BBQ sauce. Thankfully, the grocery store had them Buy One Get One free. I also got an Apple Pie and Strawberry rhubarb pie. I also made sliced tomatoes and fresh mozzarella with basil and olive oil. So yummy. The kids played outside and went swimming in the pool. We didn't leave until 9 pm and the kids were tired out. We decide to take on another passenger. Our friends' son had asked to sleepover. So we came home, made everyone a snack and it was off to bed. This was the first time the kids had someone sleepover.
The next day we hit the zoo. It was a nice day and not too crowded. We met up with my friend Beth and her 2 kids, Blake and Bella. I found some coupons that I got when I bought my membership so I gave them to her. Here are the photos from the zoo:

Shayla and Blake being a peacock. Shayla found a long,green peacock feather later that day.
Trinity and Bella. Bella found a female peacock feather later that day.Shayla was helping Riana back up for another turn.
All the kids playing on a large log. They had fun going through the holes.

Trinity and Riana feeding the goats. Shayla was sitting in the stroller. There was no animal accidents.