Friday, September 12, 2008

Slaming and spilling

The kids birthdays are coming up and I thought it would be a good idea to go into the cubby hole and get out a few old toys to bring to the consignment shop. It was a great time because Shayla and Trinity were at school. My little helper, Riana, was there to help me. I grabbed what I need and told her" okay, go out." She went right out and slammed the door behind her. So now I am stuck, hunched over, in the cubby hole. Thankful that the light switch is on the inside. I told her to "Go wake up Daddy." She tried to open the door but the old style turn knob is too hard for her. Finally, she broke into hysterics and went to wake up Jeff. He gets up and says what's going on? I pound on the door and yell for him to let me out. Pretty funny. Note to self: Don't go into cubby hole when alone with Riana.
An hour later, Jeff was in our closet getting his clothes. Riana saw the door was open so she slammed it. Right on Jeff's toes! Note to self: Teach Riana to close doors softly.
Then I wanted to put some Clothes in the washer. My "little helper" was there again. She likes to close the door to the washer. It takes a little force so she is good at it. She also pushes in the drawer that I put the detergent into. So I told her I was ready and I pushed the detergent drawer in a little. She didn't like that I tried to help her so she pulled it back out. Only too much and it came all the way out and spilled on her, me and the floor. Rianasaurs Rex strikes again! I couldn't move to help her and she slipped on the mess. My foot was soaked in the liquid and I could move without falling too. Jeff to the rescue again. He picked her up, cleaned her off and gave me some towels to wipe myself and the floor. I finished the laundry myself.
A day you just have to laugh I guess!


mom2four said...

ahhhh, the joys of motherhood ;) Yep, you just wake up tomarrow and look back and laugh! LOL

Infanttchr09 said...

Nikki if you are not laughing at this, I will for you. I can picture this so vividly in my head! Thanks for sharing this with us.