Saturday, November 22, 2008

Family picture day

Every year we take a family photo at christmas. This has been a tradition for the last 6 years. It is one of the few times we get all of us in the picture. Once Riana was born, Walmart had a hard time fitting us all in the picture. Last year we went to JcPenny. We had to wait an hour and we even had an appointment. So this year I decided to try to take it myself. My mom had offered to take the picture but she was out for the evening and the sale on cards ended tomorrow. The Christmas cards have been ordered so I can check off one more thing on the never ending to-do-list. Here are the 3 girls. They let me snap away while Jeff was getting ready.
After a few shots I thought we were done. Almost all of us got changed. Then Jeff and I decide to try for a better one. We got redressed. I was using the self timer so noone was behind the camera to make the kids laugh or even smile. This is the best one I got:

1 comment:

mom2four said...

Awww, they turned out great!