Monday, March 23, 2009

Why can't I say no?!

This problem starts on Cultural Commission. I am a member and now the secretary. It is an unpaid position. We organize lots of events for the city. To name a few: Halloween and Easter egg hunt for kids of the city. Summer concert series on the green for most of the summer. Tree lighting at Thanksgiving. The biggest is Derby Day. That takes months of planning. Now we are in charge of having a Farmer's Market. Somehow I am now co-chair person for this.
Next is Shayla's school. I attend the PTO meetings and helpout once in awhile. I went to the last meeting and am now the chairperson for the May Mother's Day Plant sale. I also volenteered to help pass out the last fundraiser when it came in.
I go to Trinity's school for their "PTO" type meeting last month and there was only 1 other parent there. VERY sad. They even offer free babysitting! Anyway, after I drop off Trin the secretary catches me on the way out and asks if I will corodinate the fund raiser for them. Sure!
The day before Valentine's Day I went to the 2 classes and read The Night Before Valentine's Day. The day before St. Patrick's Day I went to the classes to read The Night before St. Patrick's Day.
All this and not a penny for it.
On the upside- I got a job offer! The Valley Art Console wants me to teach Scrapbooking at the new Valley Arts center! The perfect job for me and finally I will get paid for it. I won't start for a few months.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! That's awesome!

Melissa said...

I have loved looking at your blog! It is so cute and your kids are adorable! Can't wait to see more!